Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Continuing 2011 on the Right Foot

So, things have been pretty busy lately - been doing the normal grind for work and been trying to relax as much as I can with Theresa on the weekends.  I figured that now would be a good time to do a little gut check in regards to a few goals that I set for the year.

In the beginning of the year, I set a couple goals to try to improve my overall fitness and drop a little weight to get back to my average weight during high school/the later part of college.  So far, I've dropped around 5 pounds, which I'm pretty pleased with.  I've been eating a lot more reasonable (smaller) portions and have been trying to get more regular exercise - mostly in the form of running on an elliptical during the week and walking/running with Abby on the weekends.  I'm very happy with my progress so far and have noticed that my energy level is up and my clothes are fitting a little less snug.  Aside from a few bumps in the road in the form of a couple colds, things have been going very smoothly.  I have dropped some weight, am feeling a bit healthier, and am still enjoying beer and good food.  All in all, its been a great success so far.

Here's a little update on my brewing goals for the year:

  • Brew 10 beers this year (a mixture of solo brews, and brews with Keith) - I just brewed up a small batch of a blueberry wheat this past weekend and am slated to brew a Bass clone with Keith this coming weekend.  Combining these two with my first brew of the year - the banana bread ale, my total is up to three.  So far, so good - I am very much on track to hit my goal of 10 on the year. 
  • Enter some sort of brewing competition by the end of the year - Haven't entered any yet but I still have a decent amount of time this year.  I'm thinking I probably need to make this happen sometime October or earlier this year because of my wedding/honeymoon in November. 
Overall, my goals for the year seem to be progressing well.  I'll be posting again soon with some updates on the my Banana Bread Ale and the Blueberry Wheat that I'm putting into a secondary on top of some blueberry puree this weekend.  In the mean time, here's a picture of my Banana Bread Ale I took this past weekend of a new Northern Brewer glass I got.

Song of the Day: "Bubble Toes / Express Yourself" (Live in San Fransisco off the En Concert Album) by Jack Johnson
Beer of the Day: Winter White Ale from Bell's Brewery

1 comment:

  1. My body stay vicious....
    I be up in the gym just working on my fitness...
